《孤独星球》是这样形容理塘这处宝藏目的地:“Rich grasslands flecked with nomad encampments stretch away from the dizzyingly high (3886m) town of Litang and, off in the hazy distance, hills pile upon hills and buckle up into soaring mountain peaks. Both the scenery and the altitude will leave you breathless, and getting out to see it – whether on horse, motorcycle or foot – calls for spending at least a couple of days here.富饶的草原上点缀着游牧民族的营地,理塘海拔 3886 米,高得令人炫目,草原从这儿一直延伸到远处,在朦胧的远处,群山层峦叠嶂,形成高耸的山峰。这里的美景和海拔都会让你喘不过气来,无论是骑马、骑摩托车还是徒步旅行,都需要在这里呆上几天。”但如果你早已不满足于游客式的参观游览,给车加满油吧,把徒步装备带上,让我带你去往我梦中的家园,理想中退休后定居的天堂——格聂。